blogging platformsWordPress

Why You Need A CDN For Your WordPress Blog?


While surfing for some of the top smart ways to get your website loading time reduced, you might have come across the word CDN. Now, the question arises what exactly is CDN? Why do we need to have a CDN?

If you are also baffled by such questions, then our blog will clear all your doubts about CDN.

Before I give you a piece of detailed information regarding what CDN is and why do you need it on your website, let me introduce the star of the article “CDN” in a short and simple line.

CDN is something used after you have provided hosting to your website.

It is used to speed up the loading and functioning of your website. It does not replace a web hosting account.

You must have a web hosting account for your CDN to work on. You can use any hosting providers available on the web, it can be Siteground, Bluehost, or whatever your preference is.

Now let us move ahead with our detailed explanation:


CDN stands for Content Delivery network. It is a network of servers that collect data from various websites and present a static version to the users based on their geographical location.

Let me explain to you more simply, for your better understanding.

Typically when a client goes to your WordPress blog, they are diverted to your web host’s server (i.e HostGator). Your web host’s server is situated at a focal area i.e Houston, TX.

So every client on your site is getting to this one server to see your site.

Presently on the off chance that you have a high volume of traffic, at that point, you can over-burden your server which prompts a moderate stacking site or even server crash.

This is the place a CDN proves to be useful because it is a system of servers, which are spread all through the world.
At the point when you utilize a CDN, your static substance is reserved and put away on these servers.

Static substance incorporates pictures, templates (CSS documents), javascript, Flash, and so on. Presently when a client visits your site (unique server), the CDN innovation diverts them to the nearest server to their area.

The proximity of the user to the server makes your website loading time faster than before.

In simpler words, we can say that the proximity of a user to the CDN server is directly proportional to the fast loading rate of your website.

Now comes the main part, why do we need CDN? This question will be answered in the following segment.




It can bring a huge impact on your website. Let me give you a rough overview of what CDN can do to your blog before I discuss its benefits in detail.

It speeds up your website loading time. This not only attracts a huge crowd to your page but will also benefit you if you are carrying out e-commerce through your blogs.

Thus, the reduced loading time will bring you more revenues. Now let us have a look at various benefits of having CDN:

1. Speed

It enhances the speed of your website.

2. Prevents site crashing

Huge traffic brings a huge load to your server; this load can result in the website crashing. CDN as we discussed in the earlier section, uses a vast network of servers.

Thus, it reduces the chances of your website crashing.

3. Enhances user experience

In this fast-paced world, why will someone wait for a slow-loading page to open? A fast site attracts a crowd. Thus you might witness more visitors once you start using it.

4. Improved SEO

Faster loading sites have better search engine rankings. Thus optimizing your site with it can make your page rank on 1st in SERPS.


It plays an important role in your bog’s ranking. Faster sites bring in more benefits than the slow ones. Thus if you are determined to make your blogs reach a vast population then prefer using this.



CDN will not only make your page reach more people but will also help you grow professionally.

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