
WP Args Order in WordPress


WP Args Order in WordPress refers to the order in which arguments are passed to the WP_Query() class constructor. The order of the arguments is important, as it can determine the results of the query.

The WP_Query() class is used to retrieve posts from the WordPress database. The constructor of the WP_Query() class takes a number of arguments, which can be used to filter and sort the results of the query.

The following table lists the WP Args Order in WordPress:

| Argument | Description | |—|—|—|

| orderby | Specifies the field to order the posts by. |

| order | Specifies the order in which to return the posts. |

| posts_per_page | Specifies the number of posts to return. |

| offset | Specifies the number of posts to skip over. |

| post_type | Specifies the post type to return. |

| post_name | Specifies the post name to return. |

| post_id | Specifies the post ID to return. |

| post_parent | Specifies the parent post ID to return. |

| author | Specifies the author ID to return. |

| category_name | Specifies the category name to return. |

| tag | Specifies the tag slug to return. |

| taxonomy | Specifies the taxonomy name to return. |

| meta_key | Specifies the meta key to return. |

| meta_value | Specifies the meta value to return. |

| date_query | Specifies the date query to return. |

| tax_query | Specifies the taxonomy query to return. |

| post_status | Specifies the post status to return. |

| ignore_sticky_posts | Specifies whether to ignore sticky posts. |

The order in which the arguments are passed to the WP_Query() class constructor is important. The order in which the arguments are passed will determine the order in which the query is executed.

For example, if you pass the orderby argument before the post_type argument, the posts will be ordered by the orderby field before the post_type field is filtered.

If you pass the post_type argument before the orderby argument, the posts will be filtered by the post_type field before they are ordered by the orderby field.

It is important to note that some arguments are mutually exclusive. For example, you cannot pass the post_id argument and the post_name argument at the same time.


The following example shows how to use the WP_Query() class to retrieve all posts of the type post:

$args = array(
  'post_type' => 'post',

$query = new WP_Query( $args );

if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
  while ( $query->have_posts() ) {



The following example shows how to use the WP_Query() class to retrieve all posts of the type post and order them by the post_title field in ascending order:

$args = array(
  'post_type' => 'post',
  'orderby' => 'post_title',
  'order' => 'ASC',

$query = new WP_Query( $args );

if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
  while ( $query->have_posts() ) {



Additional tips

  • You can use multiple arguments to filter and sort the results of the query.
  • You can use the WP_Query() class to retrieve posts from any custom post type.
  • You can use the WP_Query() class to retrieve posts from any taxonomy.
  • You can use the WP_Query() class to retrieve posts from any date range.
  • You can use the WP_Query() class to retrieve posts from any post status.

If you are not sure how to use the WP_Query() class, you can consult the WordPress documentation or contact your WordPress hosting provider for assistance.

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