WordPress Security | Thinking of starting a new website? Have you ever thought about protecting your dream website from certain security threats? It’s very ...
Disabling plugin updates in WordPress can be risky and is generally not recommended because updates often include security fixes and bug patches. However, ...
To get the featured image URL from posts in WordPress through code, you can use the get_the_post_thumbnail_url() function. This function returns the URL ...
To increase the maximum file upload size in WordPress, you can modify the upload_max_filesize and post_max_size values in your WordPress installation. Method 1: ...
GTmetrix is a popular online tool for analyzing the performance of a website, including its loading speed. One common optimization technique suggested by ...
Certainly, here are five of the best social media login plugins for WordPress, along with detailed explanations of their features and capabilities: OneAll ...
Creating a custom registration form in WordPress typically involves a combination of coding, using plugins, and integrating with user management features. Here, I’ll ...
Integrating a CAPTCHA code in a WordPress login form can significantly enhance security by preventing automated login attempts and spam. To add CAPTCHA ...
When you’re using Cloudflare’s DNS service and proxying your website through Cloudflare, the original visitor’s IP address is typically hidden, and Cloudflare’s IP ...